Once a week Red Trinity hosts a live event on Facebook where you get to see a line up of Leanne's most loved pieces that she has specifically curated for that week. This is a quick and easy guide to show you how to navigate these exciting live events.
Red Trinity Live Events are once a week every Tuesday at 7pm where Leanne usually has 100-120 items to show you all.
A try on of some of the clothes that will be featured in the weeks live event are posted either the day before the event or the day of the event. You are more than welcome to ask questions about the try ons and the clothes that are going to be in the live event but we do not offer pre-sale.
Each item is numbered and priced which Leanne will tell you during the live event. To win the item you MUST comment on the live event the number of the clothing item you wish to purchase or alternatively describe the item you wish to purchase. An example of this is '57 SOLD' or 'yellow top SOLD' if you simply comment 'SOLD' we unfortunately will not know which item you are referring to as the event is live and Leanne will continue on to the next item therefore you will not win the item you are after by commenting 'SOLD'
We have a wonderful helper who is with Leanne during the live events who sits on a separate computer on a neutral Facebook account and watches the live event and then records the name of the person she sees comment first. This is the list we follow after the live event is over to see who has won an item.
We appreciate that everyone has various internet and devices and therefore it may appear on your computer that you may have commented before someone else, it is important to note that Facebook tends to show your comment first on your device. This is why we have a wonderful helper writing down a list of who she has seen comment first and why we only ever follow this list, as we feel this is the only way to keep it 100% fair.
Who wins the item is based on our decision on who we have seen comment first, the wonderful thing about these lives is that although you may miss out on one item you were hoping to purchase there are so many more items being shown by Leanne that we hope you will find something you love just as much and if not in the current live event then the next one.
Payment must be made within 12 hours of your purchase, this is done so that the next person in line wanting the item has an opportunity to buy it if you choose not to purchase in those 12 hours.
After every live event a post will be made on Facebook showing you what is still available from the live event, if you wish to purchase one of these items simply comment on the photo of the item you wish to purchase with 'SOLD'
We do NOT offer returns but we have chosen to set up a Red Trinity Resale page for you to sell anything you do not want to the customers who may have missed out during the live event.
These are the terms and conditions for buying from Red Trinity.
If you have any further questions please do reach out.
The Red Trinity community continues to grow daily and we are beyond grateful for all the love and support you continue show us. We can't wait to see you at our next Live Event.
Love the Red Trinity Team x